PRAYER MINISTRY: Do you have a request you would like prayed for?
Prayer Meeting meets every Wednesday in person or through Zoom at 7:00 pm Call or email the church office for Zoom link.
1. Call the church office: 610-253-2565
This would be for requests that are time sensitive and you would like to have them prayed for as soon as possible.
2. Email church:
Requests emailed to the church will be sent out to our eprayer chain and placed on our weekly prayer sheet(a weekly listing of prayer requests). Please update us on any changes.
3. Connection Card: Fill out the card in the pew at church and place it in the offering plate.
These requests will be passed on to the Pastor and at his discretion, possibly placed on the prayer sheet or eprayer chain.
Would you like to be on our Eprayer Chain?
Email your request to