Bill Weaver


Bill Weaver was born at Wagner Farms in Palmer Township and spent his early years living on various farms where his father worked.  Bill moved with his family to Wilson Boro after the war and later graduated from Wilson Area School District.  At 16 years of age he started working at Trans-0-Gram and for the next 20 years, he held his position as custodian.  He went on to work for local companies which included Baker Chemical, Laneco, and finally Met-Ed until retirement.  His whole working career Bill was a professional custodian.


When Bill was 19 he was invited by his friends Jack and George VanHorn to attend Bethel Memorial Baptist Church Sunday School.  Bill agreed and beginning that Sunday continued to attend S.S.  He enjoyed S.S. and started to attend church.  After a few months Bethel’s first full-time pastor, Rev. John Tomlinson, asked to speak with him following a service.  Pastor Tomlinson shared the Gospel Message with him, and Bill surrendered his life to Jesus.  A few weeks later he was asked to teach Sunday School and following training by the S.S. Superintendent, he began teaching and continued to do so for 40 years.  Bill has also served as a Deacon for 40 plus years.  He has been a part of several short-term missions outreaches, which included one on one outreach at the Bowery Salvation Army, on the street in the Easton Circle, and Prison ministry.


Bill and his wife, Corinne, have one daughter, Bonnie, who has served as custodial staff at Bethel since her teens.  Corinne later became part of Bethel’s custodial staff and served alongside her daughter in that position until she became ill.  Bill then stepped in for Corinne and works alongside his daughter Bonnie.


Bill’s favorite verse is Hebrews 13:5-6 “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”


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