Rod Harrison


Born in Warren Hospital, Rod was raised on a dairy farm in Bangor Pa. It was while living there that Rod accepted Jesus as his savior at the ripe old age of 6. While living on a farm was busy he also enjoyed several different shooting sports, training horses, and even a few wild mustangs.


Besides farming, Rod spent 2 years as a logger in Washington State where he also attended Northwest Bible College. Upon returning to the east coast Rod had a successful career as a Professional Truck Driver and recently retired from Penndot.


Rod is the father of 4 children and 3 stepchildren and has 13 grandchildren. Rod married his wife Susan in 1994.


Rod and Susan’s first contact with Bethel was a bus trip to Sight and sound which led to an invitation to attend “ Salt Shakers” a monthly gathering in members’ homes which eventually led to Rod and Susan joining the church.


After being elected to the Trustee Board this year Rod’s  main areas of responsibility are, but not limited to, “Church Safety and Security and Church usage.”

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